Tuesday, September 8, 2009

F-18 comes in first, trials begin

Boeing's F-18 has come in ahead of Lockheed Martin's F-16 for the IAF's test trials in the city. The F-18's flights began at HAL

Airport on Monday, with both Indian and American pilots trying their hand.

IAF is conducting trials for 126 fighter aircraft it plans to buy next year. The F-18 has come with flight test engineers to coordinate with their Indian counterparts. Pilots from the Aircraft Systems Testing Establishment have been trained to conduct flights.

The tests involve sorties for a particular duration and are undertaken twice __ in the morning and at noon. It will look at the behaviour of the aircraft in normal weather conditions of Bangalore, thrust, engine power and flexibility of manouvres.

The F-18 is the Super Hornet version, favourite of the US Navy. F/A-18E is a one-seater, while F/A-18F is a two-seater. Manufactured by Boeing IDS, the Super Hornets are designed to fly both air-to-air missions (combat) and air-to-ground (attack) missions.